
霧島市, 鹿児島県, Japan
造園施工管理技士、土木施工管理技士、公害防止管理者(大気、水質各1種、 騒音、振動)




   福島原発事故によるセシウム137(Cs137・半減期30年)の海水中の拡散を10年先まで予測した動画です。ドイツの GEOMAR が、研究者4名(動画の画面に記載)が作成したものとして、2012年7月10日に発表したものです。2013年4月に論文となり、学会で発表されました(下記)。
 GEOMAR ヘルムホルツ海洋研究センター、キール(=Kiel はバルト海に面したドイツ北部の都市)は、ヨーロッパの海洋研究分野における主要な機­関の一つです。研究所は、化学物質の研究、海洋と海底と大気との相互作用の物理的、生物学­、地質学的プロセスを研究しています。
  この研究結果は、 欧州地球科学連合(EGU)の2013年総会(ウィーン,2013年4月7-12日)で発表されました。その論文の要旨は下記のとおりです。(論文の全文は次のURLでご覧頂けます:http://iopscience.iop.org/1748-9326/7/3/034004/article

Model simulations on the long-term dispersal of Cs-137 released into the Pacific Ocean off Fukushima
Behrens, Erik; Schwarzkopf, Franziska U.; Lübbecke, Joke F.; Böning, Claus W.
AA(GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel, Kiel, Germany ebehrens@geomar.de), AB(GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel, Kiel, Germany ebehrens@geomar.de), AC(NOAA/PMEL, Seattle, WA, USA), AD(GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel, Kiel, Germany ebehrens@geomar.de)
EGU General Assembly 2013, held 7-12 April, 2013 in Vienna, Austria, id. EGU2013-4372
Publication Date:
Bibliographic Code:


A sequence of global ocean circulation models, with horizontal mesh sizes of 0.5°, 0.25° and 0.1°, are used to estimate the long-term dispersion by ocean currents and mesoscale eddies of a slowly decaying tracer (half-life of 30 years, comparable to that of Cs-137) from the local waters off the Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear Power Plants. The tracer was continuously injected into the coastal waters over some weeks; its subsequent spreading and dilution in the Pacific Ocean was then simulated for 10 years. The simulations do not include any data assimilation, and thus, do not account for the actual state of the local ocean currents during the release of highly contaminated water from the damaged plants in March-April 2011. An ensemble differing in initial current distributions illustrates their importance for the tracer patterns evolving during the first months, but suggests a minor relevance for the large-scale tracer distributions after 2-3 years. By then the tracer cloud has penetrated to depths of more than 400 m, spanning the western and central North Pacific between 25°N and 55°N, leading to a rapid dilution of concentrations. The rate of dilution declines in the following years, while the main tracer patch propagates eastward across the Pacific Ocean, reaching the coastal waters of North America after about 5-6 years. Tentatively assuming a value of 10 PBq for the net Cs-137 input during the first weeks after the Fukushima incident, the simulation suggests a rapid dilution of peak radioactivity values to about 10 Bq m³ during the first two years, followed by a gradual decline to 1-2 Bq m³ over the next 4-7 years. The total peak radioactivity levels would then still be about twice the pre-Fukushima values.

Deutsche Forscher haben berechnet, wie sich das Wasser, das durch den Super-GAU in Fukushima-1 verstrahlt wurde, von der japanischen Küste aus ausbreitet. Die Farben zeigen, wie es sich mit unverseuchtem Wasser vermischt und verdünnt.



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