
霧島市, 鹿児島県, Japan
造園施工管理技士、土木施工管理技士、公害防止管理者(大気、水質各1種、 騒音、振動)



サマンバイア:Samambaia Chorona [Polypodium persicifolium Desv.]とタマシダの育成

 条件がよければ3m以上、超ロングに垂れ下がるシダを35年前から育てています。原産地のブラジルでは一般にサマンバイアと呼ばれています。このSamambaia Chorona は、ポルトガル語で枝垂れシダという意味ですが Samambaia-de-metro とも呼ばれています。学名は Polypodium属(エゾデンダ属) persicifolium種 です。葉は平らでストレートに伸びる披針形の緑の葉で、しなやかに枝垂れる美しいシダです。約1ヶ月前に初めて50本ほど挿し根(ランナー)をしたところ、結構発芽しました。
 日本にはゴニオと呼ばれるウラボシ科の Goniophiobium属  や Goniophlebium属(タイワンウラボシ属) のシダがあるようです。





東南アジア原産のゴニオ(Goniophlebium  subauriculatum(Blume) C.Presl)

     Goniophiobium samambaia という表現を見たこともあるがこれか不明(特許申請で)。
   Goniophlebium  subauriculatum (東南アジア産)

サンパウロ市 松村滋樹氏のコメント:
前田さんのおっしゃる様に写真で見ると、Samambaia-de-metro (別名 Samambaia chorona)と Gonioは似ていますね。しかし、Samambaia-de-metroはブラジル原産です。

1)Samambaia-de-metro(メートル、別名 Samambaia chorona 泣きシダ)
学名:Polypodium persicifolium Desv. 
学名:Goniophlebium subauriculatum(Blume) C.Presl

Tsukuba Botanical Garden 2008 Bulletin of the National Museum of Nature and Science Series B (Botany) の目次にはたくさんのシダ類が書いてあります。本文は読めません。


    サンパウロ市 松村滋樹氏提供

参考文献:その1 (私が35年前から育てているものと同じものと思われる。日本語訳責:前田

SAMAMBAIA CHORONA (Polypodium persicifolium)

Publicado por: LUCIANO MENDE Categorias: Botânica

Veja como ter samambaias sempre verdes e bonitas em vasos e como cuidar, como podar, como adubar e como molhar. As samambaias não gostam de sol forte. O ideal é manter o vaso em local iluminado que pegue um pouco de sol de manhã. Essas plantas também são muito sensíveis ao vento, particularmente a samambaia-de-metro.
前田註:タイトルで samambaia chorona、この項で samambaia de metro を使っている。後者は前者の中で葉が特に長い物を指すのか、同格に扱っているのかここでは不明だが、この文献の下部に「Outros nomes: samambaia de metro」とあるので、同格のようだ。

Regas = Fazer de duas a três vezes por semana, mas sempre no verão, as samambaias precisam mais água do que no inverno. Molhe o xaxim por igual, tomando cuidado para não encharcar, o que poderia causar apodrecimento da raiz. O segredo é nunca deixar o xaxim totalmente seco. As samambaias gostam de receber um chuvisco sobre as folhas.

Podas = Quando aparecem folhas amarelas, faça uma poda, abrindo espaço para as brotações. As mudas que surgirem da extensão do rizoma (caule subterrâneo) devem ser retiradas, evitando-se que a planta cresça demais e tenha que ser transplantada para um vaso maior. A renda-portuguesa e a samambaia-de-metro queimam com o frio; portanto, recomenda-se podá-las inteiramente antes de o inverno chegar ou deixá-las em local mais quente durante a estação fria. Depois, elas brotam vigorosas.

Adubação = Não deve ser realizada na época do plantio pois pode causar deficiências nas raízes. Um mês após a muda passar para o vaso definitivo, faz-se adubação leve com 2 colheres (sopa) de torta de mamona e farinha de osso, repetindo a cada 40 dias. A adubação líquida é feita de 15 em 15 dias.

Pragas = É comum aparecerem lagartas que comem as folhas. Faça uma catação manual. Contra pulgões e ácaros, pulverize com calda de fumo para afastá-los. Se eles aparecerem na planta, corte as folhas afetadas tentando evitar que a doença se alastre. Para eliminar, só pulverizando com inseticida.

Mudas = A maneira mais fácil de fazer uma muda de samambaia é com parte do rizoma. Em algumas espécies, ele é um filamento, como ocorre nas samambaias-americana, de metro e rabo-de-peixe; em outras, parece o rabo de um bicho peludo. É o caso da mandaiana e das rendas portuguesa e francesa. No primeiro tipo, o rizoma lança novas mudas periodicamente (na rabo-de-peixe é mais raro). Quando isso acontece, retire a muda cuidadosamente, cortando as folhas grandes na metade e tomando cuidado para não danificar os brotos. A seguir, plante-a em outro vaso. Quando os rizomas são do segundo tipo, formam um emaranhado compacto. Para fazer a muda, corta-se um pedaço, de preferência que esteja com broto, espetando-o em um vaso com substrato. Sempre no verão é a melhor época para retirar mudas. Fonte: globorural.globo.com



Outros nomes: samambaia de metro, polipódio.

Características: herbácea rizomatosa, perene, de folhagem longa, pendente, com frondes inteiras, lanceoladas, verde brilhantes, com mais de 2 m de comprimento.

Propagação: esporos e divisão de rizomas.


Função: vasos, xaxim (condenável devido à extinção dessa planta), fibra de côco e jardineiras na decoração de interiores.

Cuidados: cultivada em terra vegetal a meia-sombra. Não gosta de frio. Requer irrigação frequente, porém com boa drenagem.


Fonte: Vivaterra


Goniophlebium—Growing Goniophlebium Ferns

   By Jon VanZile


I have the good fortune of living in a subtropical climate, which means I've had the great fortune of visiting greenhouses and collectors devoted exclusively to epiphytic ferns. Unlike their purely (or mostly) terrestrial cousins, epiphytic ferns grow mounted to various forms of substrate. They can be grown in lined baskets, on slabs of tree fern, or simply mounted on logs suspended in the air. The most common of these epiphytic ferns is the staghorn, which is a truly beautiful plant, but among some people, collecting and growing the rare epiphytes becomes like a fever. Less showy and accessible than orchids, and in some ways more temperamental and difficult, a well-grown epiphytic fern is a miracle of beauty and biology, falling in a cascade of verdant green. So with all that said, the Goniophlebium is one of these rare and exceedingly lovely epiphytic ferns. These large specimen plants have narrow pendant fronds that hang to the ground. Their difficulty level is advanced, and you'll likely need special conditions to make the plant thrive.

Growing Conditions
* Light: Goniophlebium like shade to dappled sunlight, but this is somewhat adaptable. Plants that receive adequate water can tolerate somewhat more sunlight, although they will never be considered bright light plants.
* Water: They require very high humidity and daily watering.
* Soil: They can be grown terrestrially, but do best when mounted to some kind of substrate.
* Fertilizer: Feed with a weak liquid fertilizer throughout the growing season.  

These ferns grow by a creeping rhizome that clings to its support as the plant spreads, eventually forming a large colony of ferns. Propagation of a larger specimen is a simple matter of taking a piece of the plant, with the roots intact, and attaching to a new substrate. They can also be propagated from spores, although this is somewhat more difficult.

Terrestrial specimens will rarely need repotting; over time, the soil in the container will become exhausted, but as long as the plant has adequate drainage and something to hold onto, it will continue to do fine in the container. Epiphytic species will never need to be repotted, but you might want to occasionally take pieces of the plant to propagate it and make it more manageable in size.

There are about 20 species of Goniophlebium, although it depends on little on who you ask. The Plant List website reports 185 species names, of which only 11 are accepted. The vast majority of the rest are synonymous with species from other genus. In fact, this genus was recently segregated from the larger Polypodium genus, which accounts for some of the confusion. Whatever the case, the most popular plant is the G. subauriculatum, which has named cultivars and is a large species with narrow, overlapping and pendant fronds that look somewhat like massive Boston fern fronds.

Grower's Tips
The key to successfully growing Goniophlebium is to provide plenty of warmth, humidity and moisture. It's equally important that the moisture be consistent—even a short period of drought will potentially hurt the plant. They are also totally sensitive to cold, so cannot stand any drafts. Lastly, while fertilizer will improve the specimen, they are adapted to relatively lower levels of fertilizer, so use a careful hand. Ideally, these plants should be grown in a greenhouse or shadehouse where they can be watered daily or almost daily. Goniophlebium are vulnerable to pests including aphids, mealy bugs, scale, and white fly. If possible, identify the infestation as early as possible and treat with the least toxic option.
Suggested Reading * Maidenhair Ferns -- Growing Adiantum Ferns * Boston Ferns -- Growing Nephrolepis Ferns * Understanding Orchid Names—Reading Orchid Labels
Related Articles * Microsorum—Growing Microsorum Species Indoors * Drynaria—Growing Oak Leaf Ferns * Fern Growing Tips * Bird's Nest Ferns -- Growing Asplenium Nidus Ferns * Thelypteris—Growing Thelyp
Goniophlebium subauriculatum (Blume) C.Presl
Caterpillar Fern Record a sighting Alerts 
Name source Australian Plant Census
Data links LSID JSON / WMS /RDF
Species presence
 Recorded In Australia * Overview * Gallery * Names * Classification * Records * Literature * Sequences

Occurrence records map
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* representative image of taxa


Description (原本から脱字になっています:前田

Rhizome chalky white. Scales ��deciduous, reddish brown, 2���6 mm long, 0.5���1.6 mm wide; base broad, rounded, tapering to a long narrow hair-like apex; margins with short fine rigid teeth. Fronds 10���120 cm long. Stipe 5���63 cm long, scaly at base; scales as for rhizome but usually longer, narrower. Lamina 1-pinnate, becoming pendulous. Pinnae very narrowly ovate to linear, c. 1���2.5 cm apart, articulated to rachis, 0.3���25 cm long, 0.25���2 cm wide, sessile; base truncate, cordate or very broadly cuneate, often slightly lobed on 1 or both sides, tapering to an acute apex; margins shallowly and bluntly dentate, thin, firm, clothed with soft pale hairs when young, glabrescent apart from small scattered scales on main rachis and on lower surface of costae. Veins usually forming 2 series of areoles between costa and margin; outer series mostly without free included veinlets. Sori solitary in each of the innermost areoles, not ringed by dark scale-like paraphyses; sporangia immersed in shallow depressions. Spores 32.5���52.5 ��m long, 17.5���25 ��m wide. source: ABRS Flora of Australia Online

Online resources

ABRS Flora of Australia Online
Description, Distribution, Habitat, Distribution Map Australian Plant Image Index
Images, Occurrence record Morphbank
Images, Occurrence record

467004 - Knight's polypody (Goniophlebium subauriculatum syn. Polypodium subauriculatum)

                      Photographer: Steffen Hauser

Goniophlebium subauriculata

An attractive and robust epiphytic fern that seems to have a liking for the leaf bases of palms. This is a rainforest fern but can often be seen in urban parks and on old trees.
In my opinion, one of the distinctive feature of the Goniophlebiums I know is the sori on the underside are deeply embedded in the leaflets and therefore appears as a strong bump on the upperside of the leaflets (more so than species of Nephrolepis).
G. subauriculatum is very similar to its close relative G. percussum, the only very perceivable difference being the shape of the leaflet base. G. subauriculatum has a somewhat auriculate (ear-like) leaflet base while that of G. percussum is rounded.


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シダ(samambaia chorona)の苗をどうやって買うの?